Published: 08/11/2019 News
The LIFE GAIA Sense project was promoted in the context of the 6th Panhellenic Congress on the Development of Greek Agriculture, which took place on October 25th, 2019 at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). The Congress was widely attended by more than 750 participants and attracted keynote speakers from Greece and the EU. The theme of the Congress was “Innovation for sustainable agri-food systems: the present and future of the CAP”, examining the challenge of sustainability for the agri-food sector from the perspective of innovation and highlighted current and future policies, with a particular emphasis on the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as innovative solutions across the EU that help to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental and social.
Specifically regarding the dissemination of the goals, objectives and first results of LIFE GAIA Sense, project partners NEUROPUBLIC ( and GAIA EPICHEREIN ( had the opportunity to discuss with Congress participants and inform them about its ongoing activities.
In addition, the project’s roll-up banner & leaflets was available in the specially designed area of the Congress for the dissemination of projects and initiatives. This has provided the opportunity for executive public information and networking of LIFE GAIA Sense with other funded projects from the European Union, such as DataBio, Polirural, IPM Decisions, STARGATE and Tomres. Finally, significant interaction was also achieved with the RESEARCH-CREATIVITY-INNOVATION programms: “SymbIoT Incorporating GNSS capabilities into field telemetry stations to deliver high-quality navigation and precision farming services” and “SmartPeach: Developing Intelligent Agriculture Techniques to Optimize the Application of Inputs to Cone and Peach Culture”.